The Character Roster

I've had some time to develop Idiotic Brawl, and I feel like it's time I reveal the roster to y'all. So, here we go.

  1. TheGreatTailsGod
  2. NessieTheBoi
  3. Lil_Toadie
  4. Duper
  5. IndustrialNugget
  6. RameNoodls
  7. CaptainKirbz
  8. Apple3DS
  9. Bur
  10. PlushClub
  11. NotAccurateGuy
  12. Hat
  13. Daftoad
  14. Foxy
  15. Axel
  16. Crimson
  17. TheNoise
  18. Highkey64
  19. Something (ImagiMon)

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